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Image representing blog post Weekly Roundup: S&P 500 Valuation, T + 1
Weekly Roundup: S&P 500 Valuation, T + 1

The S&P 500’s PE ratio seems high – but are US stocks actually cheap or expensive? And T + 1 trade settlement is here. Who wins and loses?

Image representing blog post Markel Group: A Baby Berkshire Hathaway
Markel Group: A Baby Berkshire Hathaway

Markel’s is led by a world-class investor, has a Berkshire-like cult following, and a company culture second-to-none. So why can’t it beat the market?

Image representing blog post Lawrence Cunningham: Dean of Long Term Investors
Lawrence Cunningham: Dean of Long Term Investors

Lawrence Cunningham’s wisdom on Markel and Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholder cultivation, ESG, social inflation, and more.

Image representing blog post Why Markel’s Shareholders Love It so Much
Why Markel’s Shareholders Love It so Much

Markel is a cult stock that’s beloved of long-term shareholders. BBAE’s team shares in-person insights from the annual meeting that explain why.

Image representing blog post Do Calls to “Abolish the Fed” Actually Make Sense?
Do Calls to “Abolish the Fed” Actually Make Sense?

Legislation is again before Congress to nix the Federal Reserve. Anti-Fed efforts have never gotten far, but what’s the logic behind their argument?

Image representing blog post The Investor Who Won’t Sell Berkshire Hathaway or Markel
The Investor Who Won’t Sell Berkshire Hathaway or Markel

Warren Buffett said the best holding period is forever. Find out why Martin Wiegand takes that literally with his Markel and Berkshire Hathaway shares.

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